Friday, July 23, 2010

International Centre For Sports Studies

New Logo CIES

The International Center for Sports Studies (CIES) was pioneered in 1995 when FIFA collaborated with the University, the State and the Municipality of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. The prime objective of the CIES is to closely link the sporting and academic worlds, specializing in three key disciplines: law, sociology and economics of sport. Its mission is to provide an educational platform for the study of sport, while also providing a broad range of professional services to sports entities.

The CIES brings together academic and sporting experts forming a broad and dynamic knowledge base. The CIES places these resources at the disposal of all sporting organisations. Whether it's planning a new stadium or creating specialized training courses, the CIES is the catalyst to meet the objectives.

The CIES also counts on a specialized Documentation Center which offers information in the fields of Law, Sociology and Economics of sport. The collection is primarily intended for researchers and students who are studying at university level. Under continual development, it contains more than 2000 printed books, 20 titles of scientific periodicals, publications from sporting organizations, sports magazines, and more than 1000 specialized articles.

In addition to its own in-house knowledge base, the CIES is supported by an international network of experts, including its own graduates, from the academic world and numerous sporting organisations.

To learn more about the CIES please visit

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